Market Finesse jún/ 2017

V júnovom Market Finess venujeme pozornosť najmä projektu Cena štátu a čerstvému Účtu za služby štátu 2017. Nechýbajú ale ani komentáre ku mzdám, základnému príjmu, spotrebe, minimálnej mzde, či oceliaroch.

Market Finesse jún/ 2017

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INESS is an independent, non-governmental and non-political civic association. All of our activities are financed by grants, 2% tax allocation, own activities and donations from individuals and legal entities. Thus, our operation, scope and quality of outputs, largely depends on your generosity.
Zlatý klinec Nadácia Orange Templeton Freedom Award Dorian & Antony Fisher Venture Grants Golden Umbrella Think Tanks Awards