INESS in Prague

The capital of the Czech Republic became a detached "workplace" of INESS in the week from 22 to 27 May 2023. Up to three INESS members participated in the Europe Liberty Forum 2023 conference, organised in Prague by the Atlas Network in cooperation with the Czech Liberal Institute

INESS in Prague

This travelling conference, which is attended by hundreds of participants not only from Europe, but also from America, Asia and Africa, was again this year preceded by side events. Richard Ďurana took part in the three-day Transatlantic CEO Summit, organised by Atlas Network for 16 selected CEOs of European and American Atlas Network think tanks. 

Transatlantic CEO Summit, Richard Ďurana in the top row in the middle

Among the topics discussed were e.g. polarisation and cancel culture, post-covid lessons and current issues in some countries. Monika Budzák attended a two-day Fundraising 360 training focused on developing collaboration with partners and funders. Starting Thursday, both of them, together with Radovan Ďuran, participated in the above-mentioned Europe Liberty Forum 2023 conference. 

Europe Liberty Forum 2023, from left Richard Ďurana, Monika Budzák, Radovan Ďurana

Richard Ďurana continued on Friday afternoon and evening with a meeting of the international EPICENTER Network, which INESS joined last October after many years of waiting. 

EPICENTER Network members, Richard Ďurana in the middle

On Saturday, at a meeting of the Rising Tide Foundation and the Austrian Economics Center, he and other participants brainstormed about the future format, structure and challenges of the Free Market Road Show (you can read the report from the last one, hosted by INESS in April, here). 

In preparation for the international round of the Economic Olympiad, Monika Budzák met with partners from other countries. In total, more than 77,000 competitors have already joined the Olympiad worldwide this year. 

Organizers of the Economic Olympiad from seven countries

INESS je nezávislé, neštátne a nepolitické občianske združenie. Všetky naše aktivity sú financované z grantov, 2% daňovej asignácie, vlastnej činnosti a darov fyzických a právnických osôb. Naše fungovanie, rozsah a kvalita výstupov, teda vo veľkej miere závisí aj od Vašej štedrosti.
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